The following classes are available globally.
This class provides an implementation of a buffer that can be added to and taken from in chunks. Data is always added to the end of the buffer (using
and taken out of the buffer (usingBufferList.fill(...)
) from the beginning towards the end. The location indicating where the next chunk of data will be taken from is maintained, this location can then be reset to enable data to be taken out of the buffer from the beginning again.In the below example, we create an empty
instance. You can then append data to yourBufferList
instance, in our casewriteBuffer
. We then make two seperate appends. WhenwriteBuffer
contains the data which you wish to write out you can useBufferList.fill(...)
to write out the data from the buffer to your chosen location, which in this case isfinalArrayOfNumbers
.Usage Example:
See morevar writeBuffer = BufferList() let firstArrayOfNumbers: [UInt8] = [1,2,3,4] // Append a set of data to the 'writeBuffer' object writeBuffer.append(bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>(firstArrayOfNumbers), length: MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size * firstArrayOfNumbers.count) // Number of bytes stored in the 'writeBuffer' object print(writeBuffer.count) // Prints "4" let secondArrayOfNumbers: [UInt8] = [5,6,7,8] // Append a second set of data to the 'writeBuffer' object writeBuffer.append(bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>(secondArrayOfNumbers), length: MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size * secondArrayOfNumbers.count) print(writeBuffer.count) // Prints "8" let finalArrayOfNumbers: [UInt8] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,10] // Fill the destination buffer 'finalArrayOfNumbers' with the data from 'writeBuffer' let count = writeBuffer.fill(buffer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: finalArrayOfNumbers) .assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self), length: ((MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size) * finalArrayOfNumbers.count)) print("count = \(count), buffer is = \(finalArrayOfNumbers)" ) // Prints "count = 8, buffer is = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]"
public class BufferList
This class provides a set of low level APIs for issuing HTTP requests to another server. A new instance of the request can be created, along with options if the user would like to specify certain parameters such as HTTP headers, HTTP methods, host names, and SSL credentials.
objects cab be added to aClientRequest
too, and URLs can be parsed.Usage Example:
See more//Function to create a new `ClientRequest` using a URL. public static func request(_ url: String, callback: @escaping ClientRequest.Callback) -> ClientRequest { return ClientRequest(url: url, callback: callback) } //Create a new `ClientRequest` using a URL. let request = HTTP.request("http://localhost/8080") {response in ... }
public class ClientRequest
This class describes the response sent by the remote server to an HTTP request sent using the
See moreClientRequest
public class ClientResponse
The “root” class for the FastCGI server implementation.
See moreDeclaration
public class FastCGI
The FastCGIServerRequest class implements the
See moreServerRequest
protocol for incoming HTTP requests that come in over a FastCGI connection.Declaration
public class FastCGIServerRequest : ServerRequest
The FastCGIServerRequest class implements the
See moreServerResponse
protocol for incoming HTTP requests that come in over a FastCGI connection.Declaration
public class FastCGIServerResponse : ServerResponse
A set of helpers for HTTP: status codes mapping, server and client request creation.
Usage Example:
See more//Create a HTTP server. let server = HTTP.createServer() //Create a new a `ClientRequest` instance using a URL. let request = HTTP.request("http://localhost/8080") {response in ... } //Get a `ClientRequest` instance from a URL. let getHTTP = HTTP.get("http://localhost/8080") { response in ... } HTTP.escape(url: testString)
public class HTTP
This class implements the
protocol for incoming sockets that are communicating via the HTTP protocol. Data and Strings can be read in.Usage Example:
See morefunc handlePost(request: ServerRequest, response: ServerResponse) { var body = Data() do { let length = try request.readAllData(into: &body) let result = "Read \(length) bytes" response.headers["Content-Type"] = ["text/plain"] response.headers["Content-Length"] = ["\(result.count)"] try response.end(text: result) } catch { print("Error reading body or writing response") } }
public class HTTPServerRequest : ServerRequest
This class implements the
protocol for outgoing server responses via the HTTP protocol. Data and Strings can be written.The example below uses this in its
parameter, with the example requesting a connection be upgraded and catch any errors that occur.Usage Example:
See morefunc upgradeConnection(handler: IncomingSocketHandler, request: ServerRequest, response: ServerResponse) { guard let protocols = request.headers["Upgrade"] else { do { response.statusCode = HTTPStatusCode.badRequest try response.write(from: "No protocol specified in the Upgrade header") try response.end() } catch { Log.error("Failed to send error response to Upgrade request") } return } }
public class HTTPServerResponse : ServerResponse
A class that abstracts out the HTTP header APIs of the
See moreServerRequest
public class HeadersContainer
extension HeadersContainer: Collection
A class that provides a set of helper functions that enables a caller to wait for a group of listener blocks to finish executing.
Usage Example:
See more//Wait for all of the listeners to stop. ListenerGroup.waitForListeners() //Enqueue a block of code on a given queue, assigning it to the listener group in the process (so we can wait on it later). ListenerGroup.enqueueAsynchronously(on:, block: queuedBlock)
public class ListenerGroup
A set of utility functions. Includes formatting the given time and date for use in HTTP, where the default value is the current time.
Usage Example:
See more//Format the given date for use in HTTP SPIUtils.httpDate()
public class SPIUtils
Splits and parses URLs into components - scheme, host, port, path, query string etc. according to the following format:
Usage Example:
See more// Initialize a new URLParser instance, and check whether or not a connection has been established. let url = "".data(using: .utf8)! let urlParser = URLParser(url: url, isConnect: false)
public class URLParser : CustomStringConvertible